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Ph.D. Program
- BIOL8101 Hypothesis Testing
- BIOL8102 Cellular and Molecular Biology
- BIOL8140 Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL8260 Careers in Bioscience: Professional Development
- BIOL8201 Professional Development Seminar
- BIOL8241 Environmental Biology
- 2 electives
- BIOL8999 Research/Thesis (Minimum 18 cr hrs)
- BIOL8101 Hypothesis Testing
- BIOL8102 Cellular and Molecular Biology
- BIOL8140 Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL8260 Careers in Bioscience: Professional Development
- BIOL8201 Professional Development Seminar
- PHYS6108/OPTI8000 Biophysics
- PHYS6203 Methods of Molecular Modeling and Simulation in Physics
- PHYS6610 Seminar (to be taken twice)
- BIOL8999 Research/Thesis (Minimum 18 cr hrs)
- BIOL8101 Hypothesis Testing
- BIOL8102 Cellular and Molecular Biology
- BIOL8140 Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL8260 Careers in Bioscience: Professional Development
- BIOL8201 Professional Development Seminar
- BIOL8270 Biological Pathways and Metabolism
- 2 electives
- BIOL8999 Research/Thesis (Minimum 18 cr hrs)
- Third semester— Form a qualifying exam/dissertation committee.
- Fifth Semester–The qualifying examination in two parts, a written component and an oral component.
- Sixth Semester–Thesis research proposal in and oral defense to the dissertation committee.
- Final Semester— Written dissertation, public presentation and oral defense
- Average time to completion of the Ph.D. degree in the program = 5.5 years