Undergraduate Student Organizations
American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA)
A student-led organization and nationally recognized branch under the premedical division of the American Medical Women’s Association. AMWA is an organization that focuses on advancing women in medicine, healthcare, STEM, and leadership fields. Our branch focuses on advocating for gender equity and women’s health, helping in the community, and providing support, resources, and mentorship to members during their undergraduate years. Instagram https://www.instagram.com/amwa.uncc/; National website: https://www.amwa-doc.org/; Contact email: amwa.uncc@gmail.com Faculty Advisor: Christine Richardson
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
The largest, independent medical student organization in the country and is an entirely student-run organization for pre-medical and medical students of all genders, identities, and nationalities. Contact email: mgclemen@uncc.edu. Advisor: Mark Clemens.
Biology Journal Club
Updated information coming soon. Faculty Advisors: Tuan Cao and Andrew Goff.
Black Students in Science Club (BSS)
Black Students in Science provides a safe space for Black students majoring/minoring in various sciences or on pre-health tracks to share experiences, stories, strategies, ideas, inventions, thoughts, and adventures. We host discussions about the encounters one may have while being Black in any of the several fields of science. We are committed to giving a voice to Black science students, who may often feel displaced, rejected, isolated, or forgotten in their rigorous fields of academics. We aim to cultivate, maintain, and expand a space where students can openly discuss their frustrations and concerns with things they have observed or experienced inside and outside of our campus. This can be done with hopes of BSS having the platform to help demand change and progression along with highlighting issues that are often overlooked by those who are not directly involved or impacted. It is our hope that in this safe space Black science students from all backgrounds are given the opportunity to be heard, acknowledged, and uplifted so that they may be encouraged to continue and excel in their futures in the sciences. Contact email: iwilso12@charlotte.edu Faculty Advisor: Michelle Pass
Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS)
Updated information coming soon. Faculty advisor: Sharon Bullock.
Pre-Physician Assistant Association
This organization is for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students who are aspiring to continue their education through a graduate Physician Assistant Program. Together we strive to push our members toward becoming the best candidate for Physician Assistant Programs through volunteer work, speaking with current PAs and finding ways to gain clinical experience. Contact email: prepauncc@gmail.com Faculty Advisor: Melanie Harris
Pre-Veterinary Club
The purpose of the PVC is to provide an environment where UNC Charlotte students can expand their interests in veterinary medicine and animal care of all kinds. It will also provide the pre-veterinary student with an opportunity for interactions with students of similar goals, gain the necessary experience and information needed before applying to Veterinary school and provide service to the University and surrounding community. Links: UNC Charlotte Organization, Facebook Faculty Advisor: Chandra Williams
Pollinators Club
Updated information coming soon. Faculty Advisor: Carrie Wells.
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS Charlotte is a campus organization that seeks to achieve true diversity in STEM. We facilitate and organize activities that benefit our members in the areas of professional development, mentorship, leadership, and community building. To learn more about the national SACNAS organization, please visit www.sacnas.org. To get involved with this new campus organization, please email us at sacnascharlotte@charlotte.edu. President: ______ Faculty Advisor: _____
Sigma Xi
Sigma Xi is an international, multidisciplinary research society whose programs and activities promote the health of the scientific enterprise and honor scientific achievement.
Tau Lambda Chapter of Beta Beta Beta at UNC Charlotte (Tri-Beta)
A National Honor Society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Please visit Tri-Beta for more information. Contact email: srfurr1@uncc.edu Faculty Advisor: Sam Suptela
Additional Pre-health Clubs
These can be viewed here.