General News

Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award
Undergraduate researcher and Honors student Rachel Showers was awarded the Derrick Griffith Servant Leader Award this year! This award is awarded to one student per year and Rachel was selected. Rachel has been an incredible student researcher and member of our university community.

Spring Clean 2024
Students and faculty work together to improve the environment at UNC Charlotte and the surrounding area this spring. Mr. Andrew Goff and students in BIOL 2130 and BIOL 3236 participated in two creek cleanups over the weekend. Dr. Carrie Wells spent the day weeding, planting, and mulching with undergraduate students for Student Garden Day 2024 hosted by the Office of […]

1st Annual Million Dollar Research Circle Event
Congratulations to those BioSciences faculty honored at the Division of Research inaugural UNC Charlotte Million Dollar Research Circle reception. It was a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our research faculty. Those who are leading research initiatives with $1-million or more in active external funding have helped set the bar for us as an emerging top-tier […]

Groundbreaking study reveals potential diagnostic marker for Multiple sclerosis years before symptom onset
A new study published today in Nature Medicine unveils a significant breakthrough in the understanding and early detection of multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers have identified a unique autoantibody signature present in approximately 10% of patients with MS years before the onset of clinical symptoms. READ MORE…

2023 GOLD Alumni Network’s Top 10 Under Ten Award
Dr. Michelle Pass was selected as a 2023 GOLD Alumni Network’s Top 10 Under Ten Award recipient! The selection committee recognized Michelle’s outstanding service to UNC Charlotte, the community, and the profession, as well as her accomplishments in those respective areas, representing the very best UNC Charlotte has to offer. A dinner and awards reception was held on Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the UNC Charlotte Popp […]

Unlocking longevity: Boosting lifespans with gut stress signaling
UNC Charlotte researcher Patricija van Oosten-Hawle, an assistant professor of biological sciences, is investigating how a particular reaction in the human gut is triggering a process that could help prolong tissue health and extend lifespan. “The gastrointestinal tract is a major signaling system within humans, and it plays an important role in our overall health,” […]

The Science of Spiders
Turns out, those scary spiders have a huge impact. Sarah Stellwagen, assistant professor of biological sciences, researches spiders and their silks. She hopes to educate others on the importance of these arachnids.

Dancing in the wild
With a $2.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Bao-Hua Song aims to achieve two goals: develop new soybean varieties diverse enough to resist the world’s most damaging soybean pest and advance UNC Charlotte as a leader in plant science. READ MORE…

UNC Charlotte now among top 100 public universities in U.S.
Monday, September 18, 2023 For the first time in its history, UNC Charlotte has achieved a coveted position among the nation’s top 100 public universities, according to the 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best College rankings, which were released Monday, Sept. 18. The new national ranking also places Charlotte as one of the fastest-rising […]