Tyler Carrier PHD

Tyler Carrier PHD

Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Reitzel's Research Lab
417 CIPHER, Bioinformatics Building

My research focuses on determining the circumstances under which marine invertebrates utilize microbial symbioses for reproduction and development, and when the contrary occurs. I take an integrative approach to answering questions concerning the development, evolution, and ecology of (mainly) coastal invertebrates by field and laboratory studies, molecular biology, animal manipulations, molecular biology, next-generation sequencing, microscopy, and modeling. I primarily utilize species in the phylum Echinodermata (sea urchins, sea stars, brittle stars) as an experimental system because of their long-standing history in experimental embryology, rich diversity of developmental life-histories, and importance to ecosystems throughout the world’s oceans. Echinoderms from several locations throughout the world’s oceans to test my hypotheses.

Additional affiliations:

  • Adjunct Lecturer: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA (2024–Present)
  • Visiting Scientist: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Germany (2024–Present)
  • Associated Researcher: CRC 1182, Kiel University, Germany (2020–Present)

Link to…

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XhF8k98AAAAJ&hl=en

Professional site: https://sites.google.com/a/uncc.edu/tyler-carriers-research/home

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tyler-Carrier