Darshi Hemani

Darshi Hemani
Hey there! I’m a PhD student in Dr.Chi’s lab, diving deep into the world of yeast, exploring the intricacies of membrane trafficking. I am exploring new ways of integrating state-of-the-art technologies in yeast and hoping to find something cool. My journey in science started with a Master’s in Genetics, and now I’m on a mission to discover something new in cell biology. Other subjects that intrigue me are cytoskeleton dynamics, virology, and genetics—all the things that make cells tick. Outside the lab, I keep things balanced with a mix of creativity and activity. I love to paint and play the ukulele, finding inspiration in the arts as much as in science. Badminton keeps me on my toes, and I’m a huge movie buff, always up for a discussion on the latest films. And of course, no day is complete without a good book and a cup (or two) of coffee.