Graduate Students

Aarushi Naskar

PhD Student
Dr. Nesmelova (Physics)

Biophysics; Translational modifications on beta cardiac myosin.

Siddhi Paranjape

PhD Student
Dr. Truman's Research Lab
Woodward 477

Aylha Pferschy

Early Entry Masters Student

Savannah Poston

Early Entry Masters Student

Trevor Price

PhD Student
Dr. Funk's Research Lab
Woodward 363

Maya Raine

PhD Student
Dr. Richardson's Research Lab

John Ramsby

PhD Student
Dr. Parrow's Research Lab
Woodward 365

Md Sharif Reza

PhD Student
Dr. Nesmelov's Research Lab (Physics)

Our lab examines the chemokines at atomic level to describe their interactions. Chemokines are a superfamily of small (6–10kDa) chemotactic cytokines that function in leukocyte trafficking, recruitment, and activation. We need chemokines to fight the infection, but they can also play a negative role by promoting autoimmune and allergic inflammatory reactions, cancer, atherosclerosis, or other […]

Dylan Riddle

Masters Student
Johnson Lab

I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, and have always had a strong fascination for the life sciences from an early age. Initially, I pursued a degree in Biochemistry and my initial exposure to research was working with drug discovery models in Glioblastoma Multiforme at Purdue University. I have since continued my educational journey […]