Graduate Students

Darshi Hemani

PhD Student
Dr. Chi's Research Lab

Hannah Justin

PhD Student
Dr. Reitzel's Research Lab
Woodward 373

Kimia Kaffashi

PhD Student
Dr. Nesmelova (Physics)

Ella Kellner

Masters Student
Stellwagen lab

I’ve always been interested in insects and spiders and now I am lucky enough to work with spiders for my Master’s! Initially, I received a B.S. in Biological Sciences here at Charlotte and I am continuing my journey here with a M.S. in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Environmental, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology. My research is currently looking […]

Katie Kessler

Early Entry Masters Student
Dr. van Oosten-Hawlen's Research Lab

Kaitlin Klotz

PhD Student
Dr. Charkrabarti's Research Lab
Woodward 367

The research I am working on is Telomerase RNA structural dynamics in the parasitic protozoan, Trypanosoma brucei.