Dr. Adam Reitzel to co-direct CIPHER

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CIPHER is led by Adam Reitzel, Professor of Biological Sciences, and Dan Janies, the Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics. They are joined by more than 20 Charlotte faculty colleagues with expertise in computer science, bioinformatics, software and information systems, biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics and statistics, geographical information systems, public health, data science, education and communication.

“As we have seen in other viruses, like the influenza A virus that can also cause pandemics, SARS-CoV-2 and associated variants like omicron will remain a global concern for some time,” said Janies, who led groundbreaking research to determine that the original SARS-CoV originated in bats and is now leading research on how SARS-CoV-2 emerged and evolved to evade immunity. “This is why the support of research focused on all aspects of viral emergence and evolution is critically important, now more than ever.”

CIPHER Center announcement